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Discussion on the meaning of MELD score in the opportunity of the entecavir treatment of HBeAg-negative acute-on-chronic liver failure. [Article in Chinese

Yan Y, Mai L, Zhu JY, Zhang Y, Ke WM. Zhonghua Shi Yan He Lin Chuang Bing Du Xue Za Zhi. 2011 Dec;25(6):466-9.


Department of Infectious Diseases, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510630, China.



To explore the opportunity and effect of internal general treatment added entecavir on acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) of HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients in different ranges of MELD score.


A total of 101 ACLF of HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients treated with internal general treatment added entecavir were divided into three groups according to the MELD score. The mortalities and HBV DNA loads during the initiation of therapy, recovery phase and in deathbed phase were studied.


20 of patients with high MELD score (> or = 30) received (14.6 +/- 14.1) days treatment. The difference in MELD score between pre-(36.03 +/- 5.01) and post-treatment (39.86 +/- 5.95) was significant (t = - 2.994, P = 0.007). There was no significant difference in HBV DNA load between pre-[(4.454 +/- 1.714) copies log10/ml] and post-treatment [(3.979 +/- 1.947) copies log10/ml] (t = 2.212, P = 0.051), the mortality was 100% (20/20). 47 of patients with moderate MELD score (22-30) received (51.5 +/- 41.6) days treatment. There was no significant difference in MELD score between pre-(25.71 +/- 2.47) and post-treatment (26.18 +/- 13.32) (t = - 0.263, P = 0.794). The difference in MELD score between pre-[(6.084 +/- 1.795) copies log10/ml] and post-treatment [(3.378 +/- 2.156) copies log10/ml] was significant (t =7.148, P = 0.000), the mortality was 53.19% (25/47). 34 of patients with low MELD score (< or = 22) received (67.2 +/- 40.9) days treatment. The difference in MELD score was significant between pre-(< or = 18.85 +/- 2.72) and post-treatment (11.68 +/- 7.23) (t = 5.983, P = 0.000). There was significant difference in HBV DNA load between pre-[(5. 945 +/- 1.635) copies log10/ml] and post-treatment [(2.725 +/- 1.194) copies log10/ml] (t = 9.962, P = 0.000), the mortality was 2.94% (1/34).


The ACLF of HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients with a low score of MELD score (< or = 22) mostly survive with internal general treatment added entecavir. The mortality of the patients with a MELD score (22-30) is 53.19% (25/47). The patients with high MELD score (> or = 30) which almost lack the opportunity of treatment, is associated with fatal liver failure and need for emergency liver transplantation.


    • Total cases enrolled = 10889
    • Total centers across Asia = More than 100
    • Total manuscripts = More than 40
    • Total video conferences conducted = 103
    • Total abstract presented in conference by AARC group = More than 50

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