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Vision & Mission

The spectrum of liver disease varies from acute hepatitis to decompensated cirrhosis of liver. The syndrome Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure is a distinct clinical entity, which has associated with very high mortality rate. This term, first used about five years ago, is used to describe a condition where two insults to liver are operating simultaneously, one of them being chronic and the other acute. but a reversibility component as well. If this is timely identified and an evidence based approach is adopted in discovery of newer treatment strategies to intervene in this golden window of reversibility, probably it can be a ray of hope for all those suffering from this dreaded condition. However, to achieve this monstrous deed, we need to define the syndrome in a simple, easily applicable and objective manner so as to enable uniformity in clinical trials directed against this syndrome. Secondly we need timely guidelines so that a set of standard of care protocols are followed uniformily across the globe for improved patient care from primary care physicians to tertiary referral centres. Thirdly, experts from various centres need to work together, to incorporate new innovations and also initiate a thought process that can form a foundation for research for the coming years. In order to incorporate these unmet needs, Asia Pacific Association on Study of Liver Diseases organized the ACLF consensus working party meet in 2008 for the first time. Several important points were discussed and consensus reached on various topics including the definition of ACLF. It comprised of experts from across Asia- Pacific region.

Based on this data we have published articles in leading Journals including-Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

In this website you will find resources which help in management of these patients.



    • Total cases enrolled = 10763
    • Total centers across Asia = More than 95
    • Total manuscripts = More than 40
    • Total video conferences conducted = 101
    • Total abstract presented in conference by AARC group = More than 50

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